1. Medal for merit (Medalja Za Zasluge)

Very rare medal for merit first type 1955-1963. Version with text: "federativna narodna republika Jugoslavija". Medalja za Zasluge was issued between 1955 and 1985, only 835 where issued in total, of which the second type the most(1963-1985). This is the first type complete in its case of issue with all ribbon bars. The most rare Yugoslav medal issued.

Medalja za zasluge Za Zasluge

Price: 189 euro

2. Medal for the national merit

Medal for national merit Tito period.


Price: 10 euro

3. Order of the flag of Yugoslavia 4th class

Officer (4th class) to the order of the Yugoslav flag (Orden Jugoslovenske zastave IV. reda).  Gold star medal official numbered with number 399.

Yugoslav flag 4th class orden Jugoslovenska zastave

Price: 95 euro