1. Medal for National defense with two bars
Medaille defense nationale avec agrafe, "Troupes de Marine" et Troupes Aeroportees.
Price: 15 euro
2. Clasp for medaille defense nationale
Agraffe mission d'assistance exterieure
Price: 4 euro
3. Clasp for medaille defense nationale
Agrafe defense nationale missions d'assistance exterieur type 2
Price 4 euro
4. Clasp for medaille defense nationale
Agraffe defense nationale troupes aeroprtees
Price 4 euro
5. croix de combattant, military cross
Nice original military cross for war actions of France.
Price 10 Euro
6. Medal de Honneur de education Physique in silver
Nice original silver medal first type 1929-1946 marked "argent" on the rim(no ribbon)
Price 12 euro
7. Medaille service Militaire volontaire d'or: Military volunteer service medal in gold grade
Very nice issued and worn medal for voluntary service, in the box of issue. Not very commonly found.
Original clasp for ribbon bar of the colonial service medal, two pieces
Price: 1 euro
9. "LIBYE" Clasp to the Medaille Coloniale
Clasp Libye for the Medaille Coloniale, Arthus Bertrand fabricated
Price: 15 euro
10. Medals for long work service, medaille du travaille
Medal for work in silver(20 years), gold(30 years), gold with palm(35years) all in original case of issue from Monnaie de Paris. Names erased on the back.
Price: 15 euro
11. Medal for National Defense with clasp MISSIONS D'ASSISTANCE EXTERIEURE.
Official government issue medal for "defense Nationale" in Bronze with official issue clasp.
Price: 25 euro
12. Medal for overseas missions with clasp LIBAN in case of issue.
Medaille Outre Mer with clasp LIBAN, in case of issue by MADEL, Madame Paul Delande, Paris. Very nice uncommon manufacturer.
Price: 39,50 euro
13. Clasp HARPIE for medaille defense nationale
Agrafe HARPIE for medal defense nationale. HARPIE mission clasp for operations by the Legion Etrangere in French Guiana. Manufacturer Arthus Bertrand, Paris.
Price: 4 euro
14. Medal for National Defense with clasp MISSIONS OPERATIONS EXTERIEURE.
Originally issued medal in Bronze grade with bar Missions Operations Exterieure as received by international troops cooperating with French troops in various operations.
Price: 25 euro
15. Medaille commemorative Française with bar AFGHANISTAN.
The official government issued medal for international missions in Afghanistan.
Price: 35 euro
16. Medaille commemorative Française with bar ORMUZ.
The official issued medal for international missions in the strate of Hormuz. As issued to foreign nationalities acting from Bahrein to monitor the Hormuz strate.
Price: 35 euro
17. National order of merit.
The order of national merit, (Ordre Nationale merite) officer grade. Silver gilt made by Arthus Bertrand Paris, in original case of issue. Perfect piece no damage.
Price: 85 euro